
How Businesses Can Keep Their Web Designs Relevant and Appealing in 2022

April 25, 2022

As more and more companies launch Web sites, filling the marketplace with many different options, their developers must emphasize creating unique Web sites that stand out among the crowd. Plus, Web-site design must adapt to the latest consumer trends and emerging market capabilities to stay relevant. A well-designed Web site not only provides aesthetic visual appeal to customers but must also excel in other areas such as user experience, user friendliness, SEO, and online rankings.

Also, keep in mind that your business Web site is the face of your brand. It’s the first thing users see when they search for and find your business online. So make sure the first impression you give your visitors is unique, striking, and innovative. If you are looking to revamp your Web-site design in 2022, you can compel your customers to take action with the right combination of some key qualities, enabling your site to deliver a durable competitive advantage.

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4 Factors That Contribute to Good Web-Site Design in 2022

In this article, I’ll consider four success factors that can help you to integrate the customer-experience perspective into your Web-site design right from the beginning of your transformation effort.

1. Web-Site Accessibility

A good design not only draws customers’ attention to a Web site but also compels visitors to engage with the elements of the Web site. For visitors to engage with your Web site, you must ensure that it is accessible to everyone who checks out your brand online.

Since most of us access the Internet to acquire essential information or make online purchases, it is imperative that you ensure everyone has the same opportunity to accomplish these goals online. Unfortunately, some people with disabilities are unable to do so. Many of them were unable to make online purchases to order essential items during COVID lockdowns because some Web sites are incompatible with screen-reading software and similar enabling technologies.

To ensure that every individual gets equal access to online Web sites, businesses must revamp their designs to make them more inclusive and accessible. All business owners should take into account accessibility issues that might discourage or even prevent certain people from seamlessly navigating and interacting with their Web site. Plus, Web designers must keep in mind that, according to the Americans with Disabilities Act and other similar laws, public-sector Web sites must comply with Web-accessibility laws and standards. Some businesses are unaware of this so do not focus on building ADA-compliant Web sites. As a consequence, they are vulnerable to lawsuits.

2. Web-Site Simplicity

When designing a Web site for a business, Web designers must understand that the reason most visitors click a Web site’s address is probably not to admire their superior graphic-design skills. Appealing colors or illustrations can play a significant role in attracting visitors’ attention, but your typography, logo, and color selection must be capable of communicating subtle details about the brand. The more you mix up colors or images without consistent reasoning behind them, the less they’ll convey clear ideas about your business. Plus, by making a Web-site design less visually complex, you can do your visitors a favor. With a simple Web site, they won’t have to work their eyes and brain so hard to decode, store, and process information.

A Web designer’s goal should be to make it as easy as possible for audiences to find what they’re looking for on a Web site and to avoid distracting them as well. By eliminating excessive distractions from a Web site, Web designers can construct a simple, easily understandable, straightforward, streamlined user experience. Some Web designers become enamored of the infinite choices of color, designs, and images on the Internet. But by communicating as much as you can through as few elements as possible, you can make things simpler for users. Simplifying your web site can significantly increase lead generation and customer conversions.

3. Voice Optimization

Technology innovations have progressed considerably. With self-driving cars and voice-automated searches, people no longer have to touch or physically interact with a device to get something done. Voice-based search created quite a buzz when it first appeared. Why are more businesses now accepting this capability? Mainly because the number of mobile users has increased significantly over the last few years and will continue to do so in 2022. Mobile users tend to prefer voice search when they’re looking for something they need because it’s much easier to multitask when conducting voice searches. Plus, it’s a hands-free technology.

Seeing this increase in the use of voice search, Google has introduced the Hummingbird update. Hummingbird’s algorithms have made it much easier for Google to identify and analyze semantic nuances in online searches. Therefore, Google can now seamlessly determine the intent of vague searches and present better search results—even for voice searches.

4. Page-Speed Prioritization

Web designers must optimize not only a page’s visual design but also technical factors as well. Based on a recent Google update, page-load speed is one of the most important Web vitals that Google considers when ranking a Web page. Gone are the days when visitors would patiently wait for your Web-site designs and images to load. Reports state that, if a business Web-page takes more than three seconds to load, there is a greater chance that visitors will abandon such a slow site.

Most Web designers already know that some large illustrations and Web-site images take more time to load than others. Developers must identify such elements and optimize them to increase page-load speeds. Google PageSpeed Insights is a tool that lets you assess your page-speed optimization. Also, businesses may want to avoid developing their Web sites on platforms that rely significantly on plug-ins, which can have a negative impact on page-load speeds.


Thankfully, businesses won’t have to build their Web site from scratch to incorporate these design optimizations in 2022. Every business has a unique perspective, so Web designers must not just incorporate what’s new but endeavor to take a holistic view of Web-site design. Assess each new design trend and assess its potential impact.

By adopting a strategy of incorporating both the best design factors and Web-site optimizations, you can improve business growth and build online momentum. A Web site not only can provide a business with competitive advantage but also make a unique impression on their audiences. 

Content Strategist at Web Sharx

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Cindy WilliamsCindy graduated with honors from the University of British Columbia, with a dual degree in Business Administration and Creative Writing.  Read More

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