
Charles Lambdin

UX Designer & Researcher at Intel Corporation
Portland, Oregon, USA

Charles Lambdin As a UX Designer at Intel, Charles works on tools that employees use to get their jobs done. His background is in human factors, research methods, and behavioral science. Charles approaches user experience holistically, insisting that it be more than an add-on to business as usual. Doing genuine user-centered design typically requires whole-team involvement and process change. Justifying such change entails demonstrating that achieving business goals actually requires getting certain targeted populations—of users, customers, or employees—to behave in certain desired ways that sustain the business. What elicits such desired changes in behavior? UX Design. Thus, UX Strategy is really not very different from Business Strategy. In fact, you cannot achieve the goals of Business Strategy without a successful UX Strategy.

Charles is co-author, with Leo Frishberg, of the Morgan Kaufmann book Presumptive Design: Design Provocations for Innovation. Check out their site for the book.

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