
Design: User Interface Design

UXmatters has published 18 articles on the topic User Interface Design.

Top 3 Trending Articles on User Interface Design

  1. Applying the 8 Golden Rules of User-Interface Design

    October 17, 2022

    To some, user-interface (UI) design or Web design might seem like work that relies solely on creativity and seeking innovative ideas. However, you should always base your design solutions on a few rules that optimize the entire design process—such as Ben Shneiderman’s eight golden rules of user-interface design.

    Shneiderman pioneered the concepts behind his eight golden rules after conducting fundamental research in the field of human-computer interaction. Although Shneiderman defined his eight golden rules back in 1985, their timelessness has ensured that they are still in use by application and Web designers all around the world.

    In this article, we’ll discuss Shneiderman’s eight golden rules, and supplement them with practical tips and examples to help you apply these universal principles in your daily work as a UX designer. Read More

  2. 7 Basic Best Practices for Buttons

    Good Questions

    Asking and answering users' questions

    A column by Caroline Jarrett
    May 7, 2012

    Here are my basic best practices for buttons:

    1. Make buttons look like buttons.
    2. Put buttons where users can find them.
    3. Make the most important button look like it’s the most important one.
    4. Put buttons in a sensible order.
    5. Label buttons with what they do.
    6. If users don’t want to do something, don’t have a button for it.
    7. Make it harder to find destructive buttons.

    Nothing particularly revolutionary there, right? Ever since the <button> tag arrived in HTML4, buttons haven’t been especially difficult to create. Despite this, it’s rather easy to find buttons that don’t comply with these basic best practices, so I’m going to dig into them a little deeper in this column. Read More

  3. 12 Important User-Interface Design Guidelines

    December 4, 2023

    A product or service’s user interface (UI) is the doorway to the digital experience it offers. Therefore, creating user-friendly interfaces is crucial for any company that has a digital presence. Whether a company is designing a Web site, mobile app, or desktop application, following the rudiments of UI design is essential to its success.

    Follow the UI design guidelines that this article provides to ensure that users will be able to interact with user-interface components seamlessly. This, in turn, would enhance the user experience, result in user satisfaction, and contribute to business success. By following the twelve essential UI design guidelines that this article outlines, you can make your user-interface designs stand out. Read More

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