
Process: Tools

UXmatters has published 14 articles on the topic Tools.

Top 3 Trending Articles on Tools

  1. 7 Mobile UX Design Tools to Supercharge Your Design Process

    January 22, 2024

    Having the right design tools makes everything snap into place. It’s not just about making things pretty; it’s about establishing a user experience that feels natural to people and helps them get things done. With so many devices and screen sizes available on the market, you need the most effective UX design tools to ensure that the user interfaces you’re designing display properly on all of them.

    Leading software-development companies such as IBM, Accenture, and Google have teams of UX design professionals who design solutions that meet both business and user requirements. They harness the power of the latest design tools to deliver captivating user experiences. Using the right UX design tools lets you refine and elevate your design process. Are you curious about which design tools can help you create the best UX designs? In this article, I’ll discuss seven mobile UX design tools that can help your business. Read More

  2. Building a UX Feedback System That Works for Your Colleagues

    July 25, 2022

    The more senior your customers are in their profession, the harder it is to get them to talk to your UX researchers. Fortunately, these customers are already communicating with your company via other avenues and constantly feed insights to your sales team, customer-success managers, and marketing specialists.

    Businesses receive a lot of exploratory feedback through all these channels: customers report their problems and blockers, make requests, ask questions about sales demos, and express their doubts during business-development qualification calls. All of this is valuable information, but without a robust system in place, businesses fail to capture and use it effectively. Read More

  3. Using Analog UX Strategy Tools

    November 21, 2022

    When you’re participating in large stakeholder meetings, using analog UX strategy tools can often be a helpful and fun means of clarifying and working through a product, problem, user goals, or business goals. In this article, I’ll explain some benefits of using analog tools during large meetings and workshops, as well as how to encourage people’s participation and develop a shared understanding among everyone who is involved.

    Discovering Analog Tools

    From concept to execution, using hands-on tools throughout the UX design process can improve collaboration, communication, and the organization of your ideas in ways that digital tools cannot. For example, when kicking off a project, using simple sticky notes to post your ideas on a wall can offer huge benefits. In his book Change by Design, Tim Brown, CEO of the design and innovation company IDEO, recommends using sticky notes because they allow a group of people to agree on solutions when many possibilities exist. People bring their unique knowledge and expertise to the table, and using sticky notes lets you organize large amounts of information concisely, while keeping a meeting fun and interesting. Read More

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