
Business: UX Professions

UXmatters has published 30 articles on the topic UX Professions.

Top 3 Trending Articles on UX Professions

  1. Framing the Practice of Information Architecture

    Finding Our Way

    Navigating the practice of Information Architecture

    A column by Nathaniel Davis
    September 7, 2011

    “The practice of information architecture is the effort of organizing and relating information in a way that simplifies how people navigate and use information on the Web.”—DSIA Research Initiative

    Over the past two decades, the volatile evolution of Web applications and services has resulted in organizational uncertainty that has kept our understanding and framing of the information architect in constant flux. In the meantime, the reality of getting things done has resulted in a professional environment where the information architect is less important than the practitioner of information architecture (IA). Read More

  2. UX Design Defined

    June 18, 2012

    Unfortunately, in the field of user experience, people often confuse terms like information architecture, interaction design, visual design, usability engineering, and UX design. In some cases, people use these terms almost interchangeably. This article provides a lexicon of these terms and more clearly defines the role of the user experience designer.

    Information Architecture

    Information architecture (IA) focuses on the organization of data—that is, how data is structured from a user’s perspective, as opposed to the system, or technical, perspective.

    At the level of an entire Web site, or application, information architecture determines what data is on each page and how pages relate to each other. For example, defining a site map is an IA activity. At the level of an individual page layout, information architecture ensures that data is logically grouped and interrelated. Read More

  3. Essential and Desirable Skills for a UX Designer

    Ask UXmatters

    Get expert answers

    A column by Janet M. Six
    December 20, 2010

    In this edition of Ask UXmatters, our experts discuss what skills are essential and desirable for a UX Designer.

    Each month in Ask UXmatters, our panel of UX experts answers our readers’ questions about a broad range of user experience matters. To get answers to your own questions about UX strategy, design, user research, or any other topic of interest to UX professionals in an upcoming edition of Ask UXmatters, please send your question to us at: [email protected].

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