
Column: Practical Usability

UXmatters has published 70 editions of the column Practical Usability.

Top 3 Trending Practical Usability Columns

  1. The Role of Observation in User Research

    Practical Usability

    Moving toward a more usable world

    A column by Jim Ross
    September 10, 2018

    User research consists of two core activities: observing and interviewing. Since we’re most interested in people’s behavior, observing is the most important of these activities because it provides the most accurate information about people, their tasks, and their needs.

    While interviewing is also very important, the information people provide during interviews isn’t always accurate or reliable. Often, research participants don’t know why they do things, what they really need, what they might do in the future, or how a design could be improved. To really understand what people do, you can’t just ask them, you have to observe them.

    But exactly what is observation, and what does it entail? Though we all know what the word observation means and everyone knows how to look and listen, there is more to it than just pointing your eyes in a particular direction, listening, and taking notes. By doing a little research, I found many books and articles about interviewing, but surprisingly few about how to observe research participants. So, in this column, I’ll first explore what observation is and the different types of observation methods, then focus on one particularly useful, yet underused UX research method: naturalistic observation. Read More

  2. Participatory Observation

    Practical Usability

    Moving toward a more usable world

    A column by Jim Ross
    January 13, 2014

    In the field of UX design research, we’ve borrowed and adapted many research methods from anthropology to enable us to better understand people and their needs. But we haven’t adopted one signature method of anthropology: participant observation. When we go into the field to observe people performing tasks, we remain outside observers, asking questions and taking notes, but not getting involved in their activities ourselves.

    Anthropologists and sociologists often practice participant observation, in which they join a group as a participating member to get a first-hand perspective of the group and their activities. Instead of observing as an outsider, they play two roles at once—objective observer and subjective participant. Participating in the group gives them the ability to experience events in the same way other group members experience them. These are the types of studies that probably come to mind when you think about anthropology or sociology—for example, an anthropologist goes to live with a tribe in the Amazon rainforest or a sociologist moves into a housing project to learn about poverty. These are participant observation studies. Read More

  3. 10 User Research Myths and Misconceptions

    Practical Usability

    Moving toward a more usable world

    A column by Jim Ross
    November 9, 2015

    It’s a fortunate time for the field of User Experience. Never before have so many people become aware of user experience and the importance of understanding users. Yet, there are still many misconceptions about how to gain an understanding of users and their needs. In this column, I’ll explain and dispel the most common myths and misconceptions about user research.

    Myth 1: User Research Provides Stunning, New Revelations

    Those who are new to user research often overestimate the impact of the information it reveals, assuming research will reveal amazing, hidden truths. In our effort to convince clients and project teams to include user research in a project’s activities, we sometimes oversell its benefits and raise their expectations to a point that reality cannot match. Read More

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