
10 Ways to Boost Your Landing Page Conversion Rates

May 22, 2023

Do you spend the majority of your time and energy embellishing the design of a particular landing page? Have you been pouring money into email-marketing campaigns and pay-per-click (PPC) ads that lead to poor conversions? This can lead to wasted efforts.

Getting a lot of traffic through a Web site’s marketing landing pages doesn’t necessarily make them deliver leads. In fact, for marketers, good landing-page conversion rates can be more annoying than poor landing-page conversion rates, especially when it’s challenging to ascertain the root cause of their success.

Most marketers get conversion rates of 10% or less. Moreover, the average conversion rate is 26%, which is more than adequate! But you won’t have to endure the pain of poor landing page-conversion rates forever if you follow the top ten ways of increasing landing-page conversion rates that I’ll share in this article.

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1. Evaluate your audience.

Before starting optimization, one of the most vital steps is to first assess your audience. You must ask who they are, what they’re searching for, and what emotional requirements they need to fulfill when they come to a landing page.

Having answers to these questions can help you design pages that resonate with a page’s visitors and motivate them to take action. Understanding your audience lets you personalize content for a specific target audience in a variety of ways, delivering favorable results for your business and your customers. Therefore, it’s crucial that you take some time to consider your site’s current users. This knowledge can aid you in guiding successful, high-impact design optimizations.

One of the leading approaches to accomplishing this is to keep an eye on user behaviors, assess the data from several platforms, and analyze competitors. Use data from feedback tools and customer-service surveys.

2. Don’t forget to add one appealing CTA.

Every landing page you create must have one specific objective for users, such as filling out a form, downloading an ebook, or making a purchase. A landing page’s visuals, copy, and design should line up consistently with a single call to action (CTA).

A landing page’s purpose must be transparent. So keep landing pages completely free from clutter and incorporate a CTA that visitors can detect quickly when arriving on a page. Doing so enhances the probability of your witnessing a surge in conversions.

3. Optimize mobile landing pages.

Nowadays, smartphone users spend more time accessing the Web than the users of personal computers do. Therefore, if you haven’t optimized your landing pages for mobile, many users will leave your pages immediately. Mobile-friendly landing pages provide a conversion rate of approximately 11.7%, which is higher than that for desktop-only Web pages.

4. Ensure the security and safety of your landing pages.

With the looming threats of data invasions and cyber attacks, safety has become a significant priority for online businesses. If users are apprehensive about using your landing pages, you won’t be able to turn prospective customers into leads. Therefore, it’s vital that you ensure your landing page’s safety in every case.

You can achieve greater security by creating HTTPS pages that have a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate. Therefore, if you want complete protection from cyber threats, you should go with well-known SSL certifications such as Sectigo SSL certificate or DigiCert SSL Certificate. Implementing an SSL certificate gives your visitors the faith and confidence to remain on your landing pages and ensures you’ll get the conversions want.

5. Incorporate social proofs.

To get your customers to take favorable actions and boost your landing-page conversion rates, you must impart trust to your audience. So nothing would be better than incorporating social proofs on your Web site.

Random visitors to your Web site don’t know who you are. Therefore, they’ll likely be skeptical about your intentions even if you give them several top-notch reasons to be your customer. They need social proofs that demonstrate your words match your actions. So adding testimonials and positive reviews to your Web site can help boost your conversion rates.

6. Track your conversion rates and assess your data.

The success of your landing pages relies significantly on your ability to track data regarding conversions and assess your landing pages’ performance. Evaluating this data promptly is vital to boosting the performance of your landing pages and generating better results.

Monitoring conversion rates helps you stay ahead of the game, quickly evaluate what design changes could work, and thrive. Moreover, paying heed to these details can benefit your business in the long run. When you’re conducting targeted marketing campaigns, this data can provide insights that let you personalize your landing pages for higher conversions.

7. Optimize the visuals on your landing pages.

A strong image can take the place of a thousand words. Similarly, using the right visuals to improve your landing pages can boost conversions. Including appealing images, animated GIFs, or instructive videos are good examples of ways to optimize your landing pages. However, only in some cases can adding visuals be the best way to increase your conversion rates!

8. Reduce the amount of text on your landing pages.

The majority of Web-site visitors scan rather than fully peruse articles. Consequently, conversion rates on landing pages with a high word count are generally lower. Think about these facts:

  • In the commercial services sector, landing pages with fewer than 100 words convert 50% better than pages with over 500 words.
  • The typical response percentage for landing pages with less copy is 14%, as opposed to 11% for pages with too much copy.

Therefore, it is advisable to keep your text brief and include only the information that is absolutely necessary. Think about your writing style as well. Use bullets, headings, and spacing to break up lengthy passages of text.

9. Create a sense of urgency.

Salespeople abhor it when customers exit a shop to ponder about a possible purchase. Why? Because they are aware that the likelihood of customers completing the transaction decreases drastically once they depart. Several things can occur after a customer exits a shop, as follows:

  • The customer starts to wonder whether making the purchase is a smart move.
  • The customer discovers another item that better satisfies their requirements.
  • The customer gets sidetracked by other obligations.
  • The customer loses track of the good or service they were thinking about getting.

All of these possibilities apply to your Web site as well. There is much less chance that customers will convert once they abandon your Web site. To get customers to benefit from your deals, you must urge them to take action immediately.

10. Keep your landing pages straightforward and their text concise.

When optimizing your Web site’s landing pages for higher conversions, less is more. Therefore, you must concentrate on creating simple, streamlined, concise landing pages. If you avoid overpowering your landing pages with countless details, text, and graphics, you can get your visitors to take action instantly and purchase your service or product. To obtain the best results from your landing pages, avoid reducing their impact with wordy explanations and sensory overload.


Optimizing your landing pages is one of the fastest techniques for boosting the numbers of leads and purchases that flow into your Web site. As with other conversion-rate optimization (CRO) techniques, increasing landing-page conversion rates is possible when you have a solid grasp of your intended audience’s requirements. To enhance your landing-page conversion rates, follow the aforementioned methods of meticulous data-driven evaluation and experimentation. 

Freelance Technical Writer

Houston, Texas, USA

Marvin WrightMarvin is a freelance writer, consultant, author, and instructor. He has more than four years of practical experience with search-engine optimization (SEO) and digital marketing. Marvin holds an MSc in ecommerce and has consulted with Fortune 50 companies in various industries. He blogs regularly about ecommerce trends and marketing, and leading marketing Web sites have referred to his work.  Read More

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